At Sharon Baptist Day School we serve a healthy, nutritious breakfast in the morning and a snack in the afternoon. Lunch time is from 11:30 - 12:00 p.m. Children are encouraged to try new foods, but may refuse what they do not want to eat.
Withholding food is never used as a form of discipline.
Infants will always be fed according to their own schedule. Parents are required to write, date and sign monthly feeding instructions regarding children not eating table food yet. Parents are to provide Breast milk, Formula, and/or Baby Food. All formula will be mixed by the parent beforehand, labeled with child's name, dated and refrigerated as needed. Any leftover formula will be discarded. Breast milk and formula will be heated in warm water or a bottle warmer, not microwaved.
Parents must provide their own sack lunch at this time. It may be hot lunch, needing two minutes or less to heat. No peanut or any nut products may be provided. Substitute spreads (i.e.-soy butter or sunflower butter) may be used instead. Food is to be handled while wearing two food handling gloves. Kitchen staff or administration will make sure that any food needed to be warmed will be warmed appropriately and placed with the rest of the child’s lunch.
Snack and lunch will take place in the eating room. Teachers will assist children with snack as needed.
Any leftover snack that has been offered to a child will be thrown away. Any leftover lunch will be packed in child’s lunch box.
All food will be stored up and away from children’s reach until designated eating times.